I'm still a little hesitant about the changes I want to make here on the blog. My biggest issue is with my original list of books and the progress I have made. While a part of me really wants to chuck it out the window, a larger part of me wants to continue chipping away at it while allowing myself the time to read outside of that list (which I have been doing almost exclusively all year).
I know that I want to return to reading classics more regularly. It was a great habit and one that I fell out of this year-I've turned to a lot of YA to fill the gap. And while entertaining, it doesn't sustain me in the same way as a meaty classic.
I think I might just roll the original list completely into my Classics Club List and forget the goal of 250....but merely focus on reading classics on a regular basis. Thoughts? I think I'm comfortable with that.
I'd also like to do more creative writing in this space. I've toyed with the idea for years about writing a novel online-publishing portions/chapters as I finish them and allowing pieces to be read before I finish the next (much like the serial releases of Dickens' novels). It's a challenge that appeals to me for many reasons-getting back into writing on a more regular basis, giving myself an audience (and deadlines), and getting honest feedback about my writing. It would obviously be very rough, and for those who read it...well, I'd hope they would keep that in mind. I think I just need to get enough courage to actually do it. ;)
I did make a big list of books I'd like to talk about-again, mostly YA. I feel like I have been "catching up" on some of the trilogies and big titles that have made appearances in the last few years, but I am nearing the end of the titles I'm interested in. In any case, I have a long list of books to talk about, so you can look forward to some thoughts on those books in the near future.
(and I will be honest that getting back into the habit of writing here is hard. It used to be second nature for me...now I am struggling).
Well, I will be back-just want to gather some opinions. :)