Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Salon: May 23, 2010.

Browsing through my blogroll earlier, I noticed quite a few posts about the end of the TV show Lost. I am glad to see that so many people love the show as much as I do.

I watched most of the first season as it came out on TV, but when it came time for the next few seasons, I always had a class during Lost time. So I stopped watching and never got back into it. Way, way back in November, Matt convinced me to watch through the series with him so I could watch the new (current) season with him as it came out. Needless to say, I couldn't get through it that quickly. But in the last few weeks, I have been hooked and some of my my most precious reading time has been spent watching episodes and falling love.

If you have never watched the series, you need to. It is extremely character driven, which my book nerd self absolutely loved. The characters are amazing and real, and I love so many of them. Now, I am going to come to the end when I watch the finale tonight, and I will think about how, like a great book, the series is coming to an end...but I can always revisit it.

I won't be watching it as it airs, so in a little while, I am banning myself from the computer. Matt won't be getting home from work till late, so I am waiting for him to start it. We also are going have some friends over to watch it with us. I even made "Dharma fish biscuits" with the characters' names on them to eat while we watch.

Anyway, in book news I had a fairly successful week. I started and finished Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Many people were surprised when I said I had never read it before. I also attempted to start Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad (he also wrote Heart of Darkness), but I am 60 pages in and I am bored out of my mind. I have no idea what is going on and I am completely uninterested in the story. I decided to set it aside and I have turned to one of my favorite books for some comfort, As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. It is a marvelous book and I can't wait to review it.

I also wanted to give a huge shout-out to everyone who is participating in one of my two read-alongs! I have been updating the main posts all week as people have expressed interest. If you are interested or plan on joining in, please sign up on the original posts. You can sign up for either Gulliver's Travels or Cranford. Those of you who are reading Cranford have totally left poor old Gulliver in the dust. But I have read Swift's work before, and it really is a great, quirky little book! Think about it hard!

This week I am planning on finishing As I Lay Dying, and maybe getting back into Lord Jim, if I can. There are also a few other things sitting on the shelf that I have a craving we'll have to see what else I grab!

Happy Reading!


  1. Dharma cookies?
    LOVE it.
    I can't wait.
    I'm watching the pre-show right now.

    My story is similar:
    I loved Lost since the beginning but quickly feel behind. Then one summer in 06 my husband and I held marathons and watched Lost from the beginning. We quickly became addicts. We're insane LOSTies now.

  2. I have never watched Lost so today has been kind of a bum deal for me. Hope you have a good reading week, looking forward to your thoughts on As I Lay Dying.

  3. Strangely, I only started watching Lost this year when there was this big hoopla about how it was all going to end. My interest was even more peaked, when I found out that the guy who did Lost was the genius behind the show Felicity all those years ago (I loved that sci fi time travel element they included in Season 4).

    So I'm thinking I'll watch all the seasons from now and see how long it is before I accidentally get told what happened in the end :( This sort of thing is like Harry Potter, you'll know the ending just be being on the internet, without even looking for the answer. The buzz is huge.

  4. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about As I Lay Dying. I read that about five years ago and it was my first introduction to Faulkner.

  5. I am one of those who's never watched Lost. It appears I have many seasons to look forward to. I'm sorry for all of those who have to miss the show, because of the last episode. It surely is a series that people really love, from what I've seen on blogs and twitter.

    I love that there're so many participants for your read-alongs!

  6. I'm not a TV watcher, so not interested in LOST at all. But I'll look forward to your thoughts on OF MICE AND MEN soon (I hope you'll post something) because I read that recently myself and enjoyed it. I never read it in school either.

    I really did enjoy Gulliver's Travels but since it's been less than a year, I don't think I'll be reading it again so soon. Maybe in a few more years I"ll try it again!

  7. I remember reading Heart of Darkness in high school....don't remember if I liked it or not, but i remember it being long...or somewhat boring...oh gosh I dont remember.
    But I do like As I Lay Dying! So I'm excited to see what your words of wisdom are for that ;)
