We finished up our first semester LAST week with exams and all of that, so the first two days of this week I had to finish grading and upload all of those grades. It was time consuming and stressful. Not to mention, we had "snowpocalypse" headed our way, so I made doubly sure that I uploaded and finished all of my grades Tuesday before going home.
To make this week even weirder, we only had students two days this week. Monday was a Professional Development day, so the students were off. Then we had school Tuesday, where the kids had all new classes and I scared all of my students :). Wednesday and Thursday we were off after getting snow dumped on us. Friday the students were back and we spent the class periods trying to catch back up and get things straight.
So yes, weird week that has thrown me completely off.
To combat the stress, I spent most of my first snow day (Wed) reading some "fun" reads. My mind has been working overtime recently, so I pulled a YA series off the shelf and dug in (it is the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan-the first book is The Lightning Thief). I managed to read the first two books and half of the third on Wednesday. I finished up the third one by Friday night and spent a lazy Saturday reading the last two in the series. Yep, I read the whole series of five in a matter of a couple days. It was a good breather from the heavy reading I have been doing lately. My brain needed the break.
I also read some more War and Peace and prepped some more posts. If it hadn't been for my stress load, I would have been almost caught up with books finished. Oh well, more posts for this week. :) For the record, I really would like to be caught up, so that the posts go up as I am reading the book, not a month after. I have been working on getting there, but I don't want to double post in a day, know what I mean? Slowly I think I'll get there.
I was also bad this week and went book shopping. Yeah, I know, I know. After those stacks of books I brought home last week from the library sale, how could I possibly buy more books? You see, I have this disease, called "I want it so I can read it" and it means that I bring home far too many books.
This stack is from two different trips this week:

Starting from top to bottom:
- Joseph Andrews and Shamela by Henry Fielding: I found this little gem in the used section of my local bookstore. While neither title is on my list, Tom Jones is. And when I remember that Shamela is a spoof of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, which IS on my list, I knew I need to grab this. It was in great condition!
- A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines: This is another title off my list that I managed to find in the used section of the bookstore, and I swear that this copy is brand new. I have read this once before (it was a required book in my eleventh grade English class), but didn't have a copy.
- The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins: Since I love The Woman in White, I know that I am going to want to read this other Collins title on my list this year. Its inevitable. I think I may save it for around Halloween, since I have heard this one is a little more suspenseful?
- Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Pevear and Volohonsky translation): While I already own a copy of Crime and Punishment, and have already read it for my project (it was book 2), this copy jumped into my arms from the used section. I was eventually going to get a copy of this translation because I know I am going to reread it, so I am so excited that I found a copy in such great condition!
- Twelfth Night by Shakespeare: I really do adore the Barnes and Noble Shakespeare editions. I think they have done a marvelous job on them. They're pretty well-researched and look great all lined up together on my shelf. :) Now that this one is sitting on my shelf, I only have 3 more to acquire until I have the set (I like sets of books, did you know that? I told you, its a disease).
- The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson #5) by Rick Riordan: This title (and the next one) were from my one planned book trip this week. My friend who works at a bookstore told me that this one was finally released in paperback (that was my excuse for not reading the series earlier. I picked up the first four at a Scholastic book fair and I wanted the fifth one to match in paperback. I know, I told you. Disease, okay?). I grabbed a copy and told myself I would finally read the series, since I have seen so many rave reviews!
- Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston: I selected this as the book for the second month of the new book club I started. I subbed for another teacher a couple weeks ago and her AP English class was discussing this novel. It was on my list anyway, but based on that classes' discussion, I knew I needed to read it with a group!
Anyway, I am hoping for a much better week this week. The first Oliver Twist post will go up Tuesday (aren't you curious to see what I make of this Dickens title?), some posts on Romeo and Juliet, my first post for the Ulysses readalong, as well as the beginnings of my thoughts on Doyle's The Lost World.
Yep, another busy week.
Happy Reading!
Have you read Hurston before? She's wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're enjoying the Percy Jackson series. I read the books last year, and I loved them. If you're looking for other YA reads, I definitely recommend The Hunger Games series. Also, I'm looking forward to your Oliver Twist post on Tuesday. :)
ReplyDeleteI was very tempted to order the Percy Jackson series, might look into it again. Their eyes were watching God is one I want to get into, Zora Neale Hurston and her work sound so interesting. I have the same disease you do, and fortunately or unfortunately really there isn't a book store where I live, but I found that it is really easy to order online from my favourite book store. Book buying is why I am always broke - I just have to have them.
ReplyDeleteOliver Twist is not going too well for me, hopefully I will be done with book one for Tuesday's post. Great stack of books!
You see, I have this disease, called "I want it so I can read it"
ReplyDeleteI think I may be suffering from the same disease ;)
I hope next week is less stressful for you.
I loved the Percy Jackson series; it's actually one that I have no problem re-reading. Reading all of them in just a few days would be awesome. I love reading series like that.
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous! I've been wanting to read The Moonstone and Their Eyes Were Watching God.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you were able to do some fun reading this week. I've only read the first of the Percy Jackson series but I have the next two from the library waiting for me to get to them. Too many books and so little time!
Ha, I just started reading the 3rd Percy Jackson book last night. I didn't love the first book (it reminded me too much of Harry Potter) but I think the books have gotten better with each installment. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't we all suffer from the same book buying disease? :) I can't wait to see what you think of the Wilkie Collins. I have The Woman in White on my list for this year and am so looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteI've read The Moonstone. I liked it less than The Woman in White but more than Armadale. I wish I could have a couple days to finish off all the Percy Jackson books! I have most of them but I've only read through the second book.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I have the "want it so I can read it" disease, I just have a terrible time resisting the lure of books! I'm glad you mentioned Twelfth Night--that's a title I've been trying to remember recently but couldn't. I think I've seen it but never read it. I'm curious what you'll think of The Lost World after having read all the Holmes books. Looking forward to that post!
ReplyDeleteI've read two of the Percy Jacksons and quite liked them. My youngest daughter, who is almost 10, is obsessed with them, and has now become obsessed with Greek Mythology.
ReplyDeleteAnd Their Eyes Were Watching God is WONDERFUL. So. Good. Some people are a little intimidated by the dialect but it's not difficult. I hope you like it.
And I would be jealous of your new stack of books except I have far, far too many unread books already. I volunteered at the library sale last week and managed to come home with only one teeny weeny book that I hadn't read (though I did cave and buy a couple of books that I had already read).
My mom's a teacher and she was very excited for the snow days so she could get things done!
ReplyDeleteI really love THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD. I'm rereading next month for my book club. As for THE MOONSTONE, it's not really suspenseful - it's just a mystery, so if you like Doyle then you'll probably like it. I just am not a mystery fan, so I would have liked more suspense...
Can't wait to start Oliver Twist this week! Mine will be busy too, so we'll see how I do about post-writing. Maybe I should just submit to being a month behind. (I am at least a month behind!) Then I won't feel all this pressure to just say something -- and I might get back to posting half-way through a book, instead of just briefly. So many books, and no time!
ReplyDeleteI know you understand. :-)
Their Eyes Were Watching God is SOOOO good. It's one of my favorites. I stumbled through its dialect for the first time as a youngish college student and again as a grad student. I loved it both times.
ReplyDeleteGreat haul! I hope your week is less crazy. We actually have ANOTHER snow/ice day today in Dallas. DALLAS of all places!
I have the same disease of buying books to match the others in the set. I did the same thing with Harry Potter and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I'm loving the Percy Jackson series as well. It's addictive. Planning to read his next series? I've heard it's even better.
ReplyDeleteThis is a GREAT stack. I haven't yet read Crime and Punishment, but I can highly recommend all the others, especially the Riordan and Hurston books.