Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Look Back at Thursday Treats.

In celebration of completing one year of my personal challenge, I am looking back at the things I have achieved in that time. A couple months into reading solely classics, I was getting a little bothered by only discussing the books I was reading. I was very new at blogging, and to be perfectly frank, knew nothing about the large "book blogger" community I was finding myself in. Memes were something completely foreign to me, but I decided to have a somewhat weekly feature on my blog called "Thursday Treats."

The goal of this feature has always been to highlight some of the books I have read in the past and loved. I have tried to offer a mix of the things that I have discovered over the years, and while I have only managed to feature 25 books/series so far, writing my weekly Thursday Treat post is one of the highlights of my week. I like seeing reader reactions to some of my favorite books, as well as the inevitable memories these titles evoke.

For me, writing about my favorite books of the past is a great way of discovering myself as a reader, and as a person. The books I have read in the past have brought me to this point, so reflecting back offers a lot of opportunity to remember where I was when I held that book in my hands. I find that selecting the title for each post to be therapeutic. These titles are a part of who I am and what I bring to each of the classics I am now attempting to read.

Listed here are a handful of my favorite Thursday Treat posts from the last year. Enjoy. :)

1. Sammy and Juliana in Hollywood by Benjamin Alire Saenz
2. Feed by M.T. Anderson
3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
4. The Book of Joby by Mark J. Ferrari
5. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


  1. I feel all cool for having read 3 of the 5 (admittedly, I'm in the middle of Feed right now, but I'm loving it).
    I enjoy your Thursday Treats quite a bit :)

  2. i LOVED Ender's Game. I didn't expect to, just because I'm not usually a fan of the sci-fi genre, but it was really good.

  3. Amanda: Oh Feed...such a good book in such a weird and quirky way. I would LOVE to teach it one day!

    Jillian: Glad you liked Ender. It was my first sci-fi book and launched my love of the genre.
