Had I read this novel at the time of publication (1890s), I probably would have been involved in the outcry in some way. This novel was often referred to as "Jude the Obscene," which in my 21st century reader mind, I find a little exaggerated. But, had I been a normal, everyday reader in Hardy's society, I would have been shocked at the turn of events that take place in the second half of the novel.
Where the first half of the novel meandered through the beginnings of Jude's life and his troubles, the second half rages on, throwing Jude, Arabella, and Sue into a whirlwind of dramatics and intrigue. The pastoral descriptions of the landscape and cities seems to disappear as the characters begin and continue to push the boundaries of acceptability in their communities.
It is hard to talk about the ending of the novel without talking about the shock value Hardy seems to employ. And while I do think he pushed his characters and their situation to the edge and beyond of what was deemed acceptable for society, I don't think he did it just for shock value. I believe, based on my readings of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Jude the Obscure, that Hardy simply does what his character desire him to do. In Mayor, he has a man sell his wife in the opening pages. But that is what is needed to propel that character forward into the actions later on in the story.
So when Hardy pushes the limits in regards to marriage, sex, class, and society in Jude the Obscure, he does it because it fits the characters. Jude is a poor man who works for everything he does have. And in that time period, class mattered when it came to religion, education, and societal views. I really do believe that as a person in the lower class and in poverty or slightly above, you are looked down on MORE for doing things against societal norms. But that also ties in issues of education and opportunity as well.
But as an individual on the bottom tier of society, and for being slightly different, Jude has to battle things that others in wealthier positions do not. He must also battle the negative legacy of his family. And I strongly believe that Hardy knew that. He had to create a character that had demons to fight, as well as a man who would push the boundaries of societal expectations because in his heart, he felt it was right to do so. This is where the novel excels. Not only does Hardy show a man purposefully going against what society wants and demands, he does it with the knowledge that he is right in doing so. That is powerful, especially for a novel written in the 1890s.
As for the two female characters, I feel the same way. While I really cannot stand Arabella, she is necessary to Jude's development. How else would he push the boundaries of marriage if his first hadn't started in a sham and ended so ridiculously? It had to be so for Hardy to explore what would happen to Jude later on. Sue, on the other hand, is so much like Jude. I really loved her, but her decisions drove me crazy throughout. As a female, she had more to deal with than Jude. When she was kicked out of school for not sleeping there one night, you have to think about the double standard that would exist (and does so prevalently today).
However, more than anything else in this novel that pushes the boundaries, it is what happens in the last 50 or pages or so that led me to finishing the book with my mouth gaping open. While I would love to just discuss it, I know I can't because you need to experience the sorrow with the characters. I was shocked. It also broke my heart. The complete meltdown of everything...it will simply shock you.
I finished this book with a sense of awe and respect for Hardy. I can certainly understand why after the public outcry of this novel he wouldn't write novels any longer. I can imagine how his readers in the 1890s would have felt getting to those last pivotal scenes. I can imagine how they would have felt to read about different attitudes towards marriage, love, and happiness. Overall, though, I left feeling like I completely understand the need to let characters experience and live in the way they needed to. Jude had to live his life in a certain way, and Hardy fully accomplished letting Jude do so.
More than anything, I really want to pick up another Hardy title off my shelf and dive in (although, I honestly don't know if any could beat this one). In fact, I want to read all of his novels, to savor his words and the way he constructs such marvelous stories. I think it might be safe to say that Hardy is a new favorite. :)
"But no one came. Because no one ever does."
It takes a lot to shock me, but I was open-mouthed by the end of this book. I did not expect what happened to happen. The images were so powerful and visceral that I was just blown away! Definitely my second-fav Hardy so far (I doubt anything will pass up Native).
ReplyDeleteWhere I found he pushed the envelope a lot was in religion. He goes against religious edicts and says that Jude and Sue are both right in what they do, contrary to religious opinion. And he makes them right. He shows the religious parts for what they are, and he makes the religious creeds the cause of unhappiness and downfall. I think his blame on religion is what really caused much of the outcry.
Except for Far From The Madding Crowd (haven't read the Mayor), all 4 books I've read by Hardy have a tragic ending. With Jude he just pushed it even further. He wanted to shock and shock he did. I don't think he did it just for the shock value either, but I'm also not sure about your view about the characters.
ReplyDeleteI'm more inclined to believe he had a political/moral agenda and just found the best way to teach us that lesson, e.g. terrible things happen to innocent people because of society's pressures.
Wow, you definitely have me wanting to try some Hardy...
ReplyDeleteIt's safe to say this one shocked me. It was the first Hardy I'd ever read, so I didn't know that he was so well known for tragic endings. I agree with your comments about the characters needing these horrible things to happen to move their lives in a specific direction, but I was still so frustrated with some of their decisions. I wanted them to be happy so badly. Like you, this one definitely made me a Hardy fan for life.
ReplyDeleteThis was a tough one - completely heart wrenching. If you want something comparable, try reading Tess. These are the top two of the 3-4 Hardy titles I've read and it will also leave you breathless.
ReplyDeleteI found it very interesting that even Hardy's wife turned on him after reading this novel. When I think of 'poor Jude', I always equate it to 'poor Hardy'. You just want to reach into the book or the ether and give them both a hug.
My review here:
Your post has me wanting to re-read this book. When I read it the first time I was much younger and my take-away (at least what I can remember now, almost twenty years later) was how much I identified with Jude in the early parts of the book. I fancied myself something of an 'amateur scholar' at the time and was more concerned with his educational pursuits than "all the tragedy."
ReplyDeleteI already have Hardy's "The Woodlanders" in the queue to read, and read Two on a Tower (which I heartily recommend) late last year. I suppose there's room on the TBR list for a re-read, though. Hmm... Maybe I need a TBRR list too? :-)
I wasn't a huge fan of Tess, but I think I'll try this one out soon. I'm dying to know what happens at the end!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have ever felt a desperate need to pick up any Hardy - I have 'Return of the Native' hidden away somewhere in the study (at least, I'm pretty sure I do...). Now I actually want to read something by him because it sounds exciting, not just because I think I should! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI loved this book and had the same reactions to it that you did. Great review.
ReplyDeleteI recently read this one too and absolutely loved it. I had no intention to read Hardy, but one of my friends insisted and I'm so glad she did. I was reading on the subway when I reached the shocking moment, and I quite noticeably gasped and clapped my hand over my mouth! It really does rip you apart.
ReplyDeleteYour review is wonderful, as always. But the one thing you didn't mention that I will forever associate with the book is the powerful connection he feels to Christminster (aka Oxford). I just had one of my fellow Oxford students read the passage when Jude first enters Christminster, and I could not imagine a more apt description. I'm glad you enjoyed the book!