Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly Wrap-up for October 9, 2011: A Quick One.

I only want to take a few moments to update. The blog has been silent this week, not because I didn't have anything to post about (I do), but because I honestly had one of the most frustrating, emotional, and horrible weeks of my life. But I don't want to talk about it, acknowledge it, or let it get to me.

Today marks the beginning of a new week (thank you!), and I have a lot of things to get through this week-including the first night of conferences.

In reading, I managed to finish Moby-Dick this morning. It only took me a month. But it was glorious and worth it. This week my goals are to finish my Classics Circuit choice, Dracula, and The House of Seven Gables. Probably not going to happen, but we'll see. :)

Hope you all have a good week!


  1. I'm sorry to hear this was a tough week. I hope things calm down for you soon.
    Your reading goals for this week sound hard but possible. The best of luck with them!

  2. I still can't believe that you have evening conferences. That's pure craziness!!

  3. Sorry about your week! I'm glad to hear Moby Dick was so awesome. I always have it on the backburner of my to-read list.

  4. I hope your next week is twice as good as this last one was bad!

  5. May this week be filled with warm fuzzies.

  6. I'm excited that you loved Moby-Dick!! That bodes well for me. :-)

  7. I had a similar week (month?) So, we won't talk about it.

    Glad you finished Moby-Dick. Guess I should start it. :)

  8. I'm sorry to hear you had such a rough week. Here's hoping this week is much, much better!

  9. I had a rough couple weeks these last two weeks. I know how you feel! I like your attitude though. A new week and a new start.
