Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up for January 12, 2014: A "Snowy" Week and Getting in the Groove.

How is everyone doing this fine Sunday morning? I'm typing this up quickly before packing up and heading to the library to get some work done! I find that I get a lot more done when I step away from the distractions of cuddly kittens, books, and a comfy couch.

This week was supposed to be our first week back at school, but we were hit with that nasty weather that plagued the Midwest starting on Sunday. We ended up having three snow days! It was a bit crazy, but I was glad for the first couple. I came down with another case of walking pneumonia (which I think I mentioned last week), so I would have been home Monday anyway). Having some extra time off allowed me to rest and relax a bit more from the safety and warmth of our apartment.

The weather was definitely COLD. It read negative 35 here at points, and the snow was crazy. The roads were still horrible when I finally left the house on Wednesday to escape to my mom's for a few hours. Thursday morning also was a bit of a harrowing drive, since there was still a lot of ice! But, I got a lot done in those 3 days, and it was nice to only have 2 days back before this weekend. :)

The kids were happy to be back, but with finals coming up in just another week, we're all feeling a bit pressured to get things done and get to review. I'm also excited to get to second semester content in my American lit class because I have a lot of fun things planned for them. I've been working all year to revamp some lessons and pull in some fun activities, and the kids are truly enjoying the class. AP U.S. is getting closer to their exam and my co-teacher is nearing her due date. She'll be leaving me in early April, so the last month before the exam will be spent with a sub!

In any case, I still have a lot of school work to get done before the semester ends and not enough time to do it. I'm only slightly regretting my super relaxing Christmas break, but I really did need that time off to recharge. My work will get done when it gets done. :)

In terms of reading, I finished A Game of Thrones yesterday morning. There is a post scheduled to go up on Wednesday. It's the first book I finished for the year, and it was a doozy. I also moved on and started A Moveable Feast by Hemingway last night, inspired by my reading of The Paris Wife. I'm not far into it, but I'm enjoying it.

Anyway, I best get to the library to get a good table. I hope you had a wonderful week with great reading!


  1. I was watching the temps up there. In the five years we lived in SW Wisconsin, the coldest that we ever had was -10 at night one night. Mostly it stayed above 0 for the five years I was there, so seeing some of those temps was pretty crazy!! Glad you had a chance to recover!

    1. That's the coldest it's been from what I can remember (I've lived here my entire life). I;m glad I had the opportunity to hide out and avoid it!

  2. The temperatures you've been having are crazy, particularly as we've been having a very mild winter so far here in the UK, not even any sign of frost, let alone snow. Stay safe!

    1. I know, right? It was FRIGID! We live in an older apartment building and we definitely felt the draft seeping in the windows (some of them frosted on the inside).

  3. It was -2 windchill here and that felt unbearable! I can't imagine -32! I'm glad you stayed safe on the roads and I do hope that you're feeling better. Have a great week at school!

    1. Thanks Lu! It was nice to hide out for a bit, but I'm glad to be back at school!

  4. I cannot wait to read Game of Thrones. My mom gifted me the Kindle versions of the first four books for Christmas. I think I will try to tackle it this summer. I'm laden with classics at the moment.

    I, too, loved A Moveable Feast. My feminist self *hates* Hemingway and that collection in all its beautiful, gossipy glory made me love him (well, at least his writing). I enjoyed the Paris Wife as well, but that book contributed to the Hemingway scorn issue.

    1. It was really, really good. Like I said, I'm trying to hold off on the next book until February, but I might cave in. :) But then again, we have a long weekend that month and it might be nice to sink into it!

      I've read more since I posted this, and A Moveable Feast is just...great. I do love his gossip. I admit that it cracks me up!

  5. It was very cold, yes! I am in Northern Illinois so we just hibernated at home. I homeschool so we still did "school" but it was extra nice to not have to go out in the cold! I enjoyed A Moveable Feast. It's one that I feel I should revisit some day!

    Stay warm!

    1. Yep-I enjoyed my blankets and kitties! Although, the kitties were intent on burrowing under blankets and staying close!

      It's a great read! I imagine I'll read it again and again in the future!

  6. We had the cold in Chicago too; two days of school missed by most students & teachers. I'm so glad you're back to writing on the blog. My blog got hacked. Here's a link to the new one.

  7. Like Donna, I am in Chicago. It was super cold, but luckily the roads were passable, at least in the city. I'm sorry to hear that you were sick. I used to visit your blog a lot in the past and I'm glad to see that you are still doing well, not counting the being sick part.
