Thursday, September 10, 2015

Reread: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.

“Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience- or give it a more fascinating name, call it hope.” 

I decided to grab Sense and Sensibility as a last option when I traveled to Florida early in August. I actually wasn't even planning on reading it, but once we were down there, I couldn't resist picking it up and diving in.

I was actually thinking I would read it for Austen in August, and while I did finish in August, I never got this post up in time (I know!). Next year....

It's been a few years since my last Austen. I used to read an Austen every year before Christmas, but with school being so busy the last couple of years, I haven't had the time. But, Austen is always gives me a feeling of home and of comfort. And I needed that last month.

I've read Sense and Sensibility only a couple of times, and next to Northanger Abbey, it's the one I'm the least comfortable with (because I haven't read it as many times as the others). The last time I read it, I really loved it. And this time was no different. 

I still find myself relating more to Elinor than Marianne. I'm sure at one point I WAS Marianne. In fact, I know I was like her in high school. Quick to passion and unafraid of saying what I truly felt. But over the years, I think I've just settled more into myself. And I don't always feel the need to say everything I feel. Sometimes I just let it simmer and boil until I blow. Ha!

But I do feel more for Elinor and her sense of duty. She feels the need to do things in the right way and in the right time. And she tries to please those around her, takes on their heartaches, and waits patiently for her own happiness to come. Yes, she does go through everything with a certain degree of sensibility. 

I think that's why when her happiness does come, I cheer! And I also choked up a bit...

“Elinor could sit still no longer. She almost ran out of the room, and as soon as the door was closed, burst into tears of joy, which at first she thought would never cease.” 

Because it's just so happy and warm and wonderful. I think that's why I love Austen so. I can count on Austen to play with my emotions over and over again, but I always return to her, knowing I'll get that happy ending. 

And every time I reread an Austen, it becomes my new favorite. She just has that gift.

“If a book is well written, I always find it too short.”

I think for this Christmas season I'm going to resurrect my tradition of reading an Austen-what one should I read?

*In finishing Sense and Sensibility, I'm also checking off a title on my "Reread Project." Huzzah!


  1. I'm planing to read Emma this December, to celebrate its 200th anniversary. Emma and NA are the only ones I've never re-read.

    I've re-read S&S in 2011 and this time around I remember focusing much more on the sister's relationship and not so much on the romance part.

  2. J'adore this book! I really need to reread, even though I've read it three times, and one of those times was only last year. I adore Elinor. But I'm way more like Marianne.

  3. This is my favorite Austen book. :) I watched the movie just recently.
