Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Book List Meme: March 23, 2010.

I just went back and looked to see I hadn't done this meme in a month and I really like this one! I also really liked this week's topic so here you are. :)

Okay, it is time for a weekly book Meme hosted by Rebecca at Lost in Books. Each week a topic is posted that must be answered by the titles and pictures of 3 books.

This week's topic?

3 Books That you Loved as a Child

1. The Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

This series pretty much defined my childhood. My grandma had the series that my aunts read when they were little girls in her basement. One weekend when I was over, I found them and asked if I could read them. I was hooked. I read the entire series in a week, then I reread them, and reread them. I loved them, and I still do. It has been quite a few years since I last read them, but I am definitely going to in the near future!

2. The Babysitter's Club: Little Sister Series

A couple of my cousins who were older then me were hooked on The Babysitter's Club growing up. At the time, I was maybe 6 or 7, so the main series didn't appeal to me yet. Imagine how excited I was when the Little Sister series came out. I loved it. I owned quite a few of these and like many of the other books of my youth, I read them over and over again.
3. It Zwibble, the Star-Touched Dinosaur by Werenko Ross

After I first learned how to read, this book was the one that came with me everywhere. It is about a dinosaur fairy who is sent to Earth to save the baby dinosaur eggs from destruction. Once there, he has to find others to help him save the babies. I loved the illustrations, message, and character. Unfortunately it is out of print, but I still have my childhood copy.


  1. Little House! I enjoyed the first book (In Big Woods) better, but I have to give props to On the Prairie as well. heh I didn't read the BSC Little Sister books, but my Little Sister did as I read the BSC books so it was a weird juxtapose.

  2. Oh my! I can't believe I forgot to include The Little House on the Prairie books!!!! I devoured those books. My best friend and I pretended to be Mary and Laura all the time. Our moms even made us matching dresses and sunbonnets. Thanks for bringing back such great memories!

  3. Loved The Babysitters Club! I didn't get into the Little Sister series that much, but I think that was because I found it just about the time I was outgrowing reading the series anyways. The Little House books are classics too. Little House in the Big Woods was my favorite.

  4. The Little House series and Baby-sitters Club are on my list too! I've never heard of the Zwibble one before, but it sounds cute.
