Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Computer Problems.

My laptop, the one we completely wiped and rebooted a month and a half ago, is down again. It looks like it has a virus, but so far the virus scans haven't picked up anything. It is also not letting me go online.

So, we have some problems. I have posts written and saved on the laptop to finish up the next week, but now I don't have access to them. I see no point in rewriting them, so I am simply going to wait and see if we can get the computer fixed.

Believe me, I am so frustrated. Especially since the last time the computer was down I lost all my writing from the last year, including 100,000 words of a novel. So keep your fingers crossed my hubby can fix this so I can get back to blogging!


  1. Hope your hubby can fix your computer!! You need a stand alone hard drive so that you can back your computer up weekly so when this happens you don't have to worry about losing anything!!!!

  2. Aww-that's frustrating! Good reason to start backing files up in Google docs. :)(I began doing that after my computer died last year! Fortunately, it was resurrected, but it had to be completely wiped.)

  3. Hopefully your laptops going to be fixed soon and that you don't loose any of your book that you're writing. I'm happy to be your 70th follower! And I will defiantly keep my fingers crossed for you.

  4. I hope you can get it all sorted out soon. :( Here's something to cheer you up, you have an award waiting on my blog! Come by to pick it up. :)

  5. I am sorry to hear about your computer problems and hope that you get them resolved very soon. Really interested to see that you are reading The Great Gatsby. I've just finished it this weekend. Will be looking forward to seeing a post and comparing notes. Enjoy!
