After an omen of a long and hard winter, Pa decides to move everyone into town and his building for the duration of the winter. The family settles in and is continuously hit with blizzard after blizzard. When a storm clears up, work begins to clear the railroad to the town so supplies can be sent in, but by the time everything is clear, another blizzard hits.
As time passes and winter continues, things begin to get desperate in De Smet. Coal runs out so the Wilder family twists hay into sticks to burn for heat. At one point there is a tunnel of snow that Pa dug to get into the barn and out. Laura can look out the upstairs window to see people passing by on snow above her.
But through it all, the family and town continue to survive. Almanzo and another man hear of a man with wheat south of town to buy for the starving town. On a clear day they make the long journey there to buy wheat for the starving settlers, but are caught in a blizzard on the way back. It was only by chance they found the town in blinding white snow, but thanks to their courage, the town could eat.
I know now why I love this book so. I think it really speaks to the perseverance and courage of the men and women who took chances to settle in the wilderness. We all complain when we're a little cold but have the luxury of notching up the thermostat. These people had to fight for survival.
But I also love Almanzo in this novel. He took a huge risk to bring wheat to starving people when he didn't need to. I think that speaks for his character and truly develops him into more than just a passing character.
The next book, The Little Town on the Prairie, is probably the most "fun"

It is a wonderful and happy time and the book reflects that. I think the settlers of De Smet were glad to have lived through the long winter and they seem to be enjoying society and the new things in town.
But of course one of the best parts about this novel is all of the romance popping up. Alamanzo calls on Laura to drive her places and you can see the beginnings of the relationship and love forming. I also love that Ma gets all worried-what mother doesn't get worried when boys start calling on their daughters?

One of the most memorable portions in this novel is when Laura gets her first teaching position. She is a teacher to five students away from home. She is forced to live with a family and the wife is clearly unhappy with Laura in her home. But every weekend, without fail, Almanzo comes to get Laura and taker her home. And every Sunday he drives her back so she can escape Mrs. Brewster.
It is truly touching that he sacrifices so much for a girl he barely knows. But its clear that at the beginning of their courtship that he feels more than she does. Laura always keeps him at an arm's length in the beginning.
Laura teaches two more school terms before the end of the novel, and her marriage to Almanzo. The wedding is rushed, as Almanzo wants to be married before his sister and mother arrive to run the show. I always felt bad as a girl that Laura had to hurry to get married and she wore black to her wedding. So sad!
But the novel ends as a new and powerful chapter of Laura's life begins. She is married to Almanzo and for the first time in her life, living away from her parents.
The final novel in the Laura years series is The First Four Years. And this is

This novel is different than the others in that the characters are less developed and it feels like you are reading mere glimpses of memory from Laura. The book was published after Almanzo's death and you can tell that Laura was trying to record thoughts and give some kind of ending to her story.
The story follows the first four years of their marriage, as they try their luck farming and succeeding on their own. But their first fours years are wrought with pain and struggle. They are deep in debt. Laura loses a son and has to struggle to recover. Both of them fall ill and when Almanzo tries to work too soon after being sick, he suffers a stroke and never fully recovers. It seems as if the two cannot recover and cannot get ahead. But even with all of that struggle and pain, they have hope. And they keep trying.
When I remembered what this novel was about, I knew I needed to read them again. Matt and I are approaching our one year anniversary. This first year has been a struggle for us-you know, with me not working, money issues, and health problems-but here we are. We are still pushing forward and stilling working towards something better. Reading this gave me hope about our own situation, and the knowledge that things could be a lot worse. :)
I am so glad I decided to go down memory lane with Laura and her family once more. It was wonderful to re-experience life on the prairie with her family and my childhood. If you have never read these, I suggest you add them to your list, right now. They are timeless stories of a loving family full of hope, courage, and perseverance.
I found all my books this weekend, and I'm so excited to read them all again! You inspired me, so thank you! Great reviews, Allie :)
ReplyDeleteI remember the first years of my marriage. We were both college students and dirt poor, but we had each other and that's all that mattered. Enjoy your anniversary! We're celebrating our 10th anniversary in two weeks, and I promise that it just gets better!
ReplyDeleteI love reliving these books through our posts. Long Winter is my favorite, too--where the strength of community despite its occasional weakness really comes through.
ReplyDeleteI was just talking to my son about how the first book is easy and fairly uncomplicated but that the books get progressively more complex from both a literary perspective and an emotional one.
I don't remember the end of the series well. I think that, like the Anne of Green Gables series, I'd appreciate the later books in the Little House series more now that I can better identify with the older main character.
ReplyDeleteI reread these books (6-9) nearly every year! Didn't this year but have read several review of them so I feel like I did. You know, The First Four Years Laura never got a chance to rewrite and edit. That's why it's so different from the rest. You might also check out her 2 collections of diaries: On the Way Home and West From Home.
ReplyDeleteSo fun to read about these again! Thanks for the mention. :-)