Okay, it is time for a weekly book Meme hosted by Rebecca at Lost in Books. Each week a topic is posted that must be answered by the titles and pictures of 3 books.
This week's topic?
3 Books I Read When I Need a Good Cry
I found this to be a real difficult topic because I am not a big crier! But, I looked and decided on these three! Enjoy!

1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: I have a lot of love for this book. I purchased it on a whim and ended up reading it during one shift at the park (I was sitting in the permit booth all day). By the end of the day and the end of my shift, I was teary eyed and stuck in Zusak's world. It is about a girl living in Germany in World War II and the lives of the people around her. What makes this book so outstanding is that it is narrated by Death.

2. The Giver by Lois Lowry: I read this in school in the fifth grade and I fell in love. For me, this is the ultimate dystopian novel and no other can stand up to this. Jonas lives in a world with no color, no music, and no memories beyond his own life. At his 12 year ceremony, Jonas is told he will be the next Receiver of Memories. He then learns about the past through the reception of memories and is forever changed.

3. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman: This had to be included on my list. I love Whitman and his use of language. It is always inspiring and sad. This volume of poems got me through both of my grandparents' deaths and it is something I always turn to in times of need. I am not always such a huge fan of poetry, but Whitman's words really touch my heart.
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